It is the Body and Mind practice: it amis to support and to develop the energy in order to improve health.
According to medical Chinese theory, health implies a full and flowing life energy intake (Qi). Using a modern metaphor, we can see the human body as a battery that can lose, maintain, or increase its charge. Stress, worries and unhealthy habits affect Qi. A proper practice of QiGong will restore completely our life energy.
How QiGong works?
“Qi” means energy and “Gong” means work, or even benefits acquired by perseverance and practice. We have to learn to control the Qi flow and its distribution to improve health and body and mind balance.
Mind leads Qi, and blood flows where Qi is.
The thin needles used in acupuncture opens the vessels to drain the excessive fluids and to refill the empty meridians (body’s energetic channels), restoring health and homeostasis. The QiGong practice is like an acupuncture but without needles.
The individual learns to use physical movements and breathing techniques. Moreover, he learns how flowing the Qi, sending it in need areas as the body could regenerate itself faster and easier.
QiGong is more than a physical exercise or sport. The extraordinary combination of movement, breathing and meditation improves almost all body systems’ functioning. It has both preventive and healing effects.Its benefits are so relevant, that in China is commonly practiced as a treatment and it is also included in the Public Health Care System!
Benefits for people with Parkinson's
- Improving organic functioning: QiGong movements relax muscles and the connective tissue, which supports inner organs, allowing them to operate more efficiently;
- Improving the digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems and metabolism;
- Improving blood flow
- Improving movement fluidity
- Increasing strength and resistance
- Strengthening joints, muscles, hamstrings and bones
- Tensions and physical pains’ relief
- Improving body posture, balance and coordination
- Balancing emotions – it helps with stress, anxiety and depression
- Improving sleep quality
Does it really works? Experimental evidences
Cardiovascular system: cardiac efficiency improvement, arterial blood pressure stabilization, reduced LDL’s level (bad cholesterol) and increased HDL’s level (good cholesterol).
Blood circulation: it improves microcirculation and peripheral circulation; it prevents vascular spasms: very useful for migraines.
The QiGong increases pumping volume and blood that goes to brain, hands, feet, and so to capillaries, extended in all the body. This can also explain how QiGong helps to improve memory and to delay senility. Notice that the healthy memory’s effect can be the result of the decrease of stress hormones, which flow in the blood.
Digestive system: the abdominal breathing kneads inner digestive organs. During loaded and unloaded breathing, the diaphragm goes up and down and this motion generates a stimulation of the muscles surrounded by peristalsis. It stimulates the production of chlorotic acid in the stomach too, in order to maintain good levels until older age and facilitates the production of good microflora in the digestive tract.
It has positive effects on ulcers and constipation.
Nervous system: the slow and wide brain waves will improve the blood cerebral flow. Hence, there will be less cerebral vascular problems, useful especially for paralysis and ictus.
Mental health: mental health derives usually from a good physical health. QiGong provides emotional stability, an increasing joy for life, a stress and anxiety’s decrease, a more open-minded attitude, and more enthusiasm and willpower. Memory, concentration and interpersonal sensitivity increase.
Respiratory system: during inhaling, the lower abdomen moves outward, whereas during exhaling it moves inward. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, pushing the abdomen outward while the lungs expand and fill with air. In the exhale, the diaphragm softly relaxes and moves upward, so that the air comes out. This method sets optimal conditions for oxygen absorption and for carbon dioxide emission. Furthermore, QiGong empowers breathing, toning the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles up.
Positive demonstrable results in asthma and bronchitis’ cases.
Immune system: increasing activity of immune cells, highest antigens’ localization, and important anticancer effects.
Musculoskeletal system: strength, flexibility, and bone density increase, and coordination improves. It is good for arthritis and osteoporosis.
Longevity: researches in China has proved QiGong may improve several senility biomarkers through daily and long-term practice, such as vital capacity, blood pressure, cholesterol’s levels, hormonal levels, kidney function, sharpness of mind (especially memory), sight and hearing, skin elasticity, bone density, response time, physical strength, libido and immune functions.
What we will do during the lessons?
- QiGong warm-up (main parts of our body and its stimulation)
- Tree Posture
- “Liu Zi Jue” (6 healing sounds) form of QiGong or “Ba Duan Ji” (8 Jewels) of Chinese Health QiGong Association (you can practice them both sitting down or standing up).
- AN-MO Gong: self-healing massage.
Trainer: Sabine Tukovits Fischer, Heilpraktikerin, Homeopata, Terapeuta de Shiatsu y Qigong
The best professionals at your disposal.
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