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Ocean’s Emotion Experience was born from the concrete experience and the idea that the person’s psychophysical well-being is strongly supported by nature, in particular by the Ocean and its inhabitants.

The ocean offers its sailors infinite resources of physical well-being: vaporized iodine that settles on the skin and is deeply breathed thanks to the general state of no stress induced by the context; vestibular, basal and balance stimulation thanks to the natural flow of water; positively stimulates the metabolism by rebalancing it;

The Sun warms the soul by inducing a good mood thanks to the hormonal processes it induces (increased production of melatonin, serotonin and dopamine, supports the production and absorption of vitamin D, …)

vehicle used: dinghy or catamaran adapted

Target audience: people with Parkinson’s disease and their families.

Objectiveof Ocean's Emotion Experience

  • live an experience of vestibular and basal stimulation;
  • exercise balance;
  • experience your center of gravity;
  • stimulation of the respiratory system thanks to iodine and induced diaphragmatic stimulation;
  • stimulation of melatonin, serotonin and dopamine and endorphins in general, thanks to experience, listening to the sounds emitted by cetaceans and to the sun;
  • cognitive, visual and auditory stimulation thanks to active and direct participation in the sighting and observation of cetaceans, fish, turtles, birds;
  • stimulate mental and physical well-being thanks to the encounter with cetaceans in their natural environment;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system through the sounds emitted by cetaceans;
  • empathic stimulation towards people and nature;
  • caregiver support;
  • reworking of the experience and emotions related to it through movement, creativity and art.

The activity includes two phases: one on board the boat during which the excursion experience will take place, one on land during which the experience lived on board will be reworked together with the psychomotor and art therapist.


The best professionals at your disposal.