¡Vivir la Vida!

In 2023, as an Association, we launched the project VIVIR LA VIDA in the municipality of Pájara, with the support of the Town Hall. This project continued in 2024 and was again supported by the Town Hall itself.
El proyecto VIVIR LA VIDA tiene como objetivo fundamental la creación de momentos compartidos y accesibles para todos, en los que poder disfrutar de actividades deportivas, terapéuticas, educativas, creativas, socializadoras y de ocio al aire libre que puedan apoyar el potencial de salud de los participantes, a pesar de sus patologías y/o dificultades.Gracias a este proyecto, hemos podido ser más presentes en este municipio con algunos encuentros y actividades como Psicomotricidad, actividades deportivas acuáticas y senderismo adaptado.
All these activities will be inclusive and will have an educational, preventive and therapeutic character.
Anyone who cares about their well-being and health potential can participate.
In order to customise the meetings as much as possible, registration will be required and you will be asked to fill in a form, through which we will collect useful information precisely to welcome you to the activities.
For more information and to find out when the next meetings will take place, you can follow our webpage, Facebook, Instagram and X.
Initiative organised by the FuerteVida Parkinson No Limits association in collaboration with Pájara Town Council.