For a better life

“For a Better Life” is a project we created to support people with Parkinson’s and other pathologies, helping them to improve their quality of life, their psychophysical well-being and their health potential. At the same time, we support the relatives, who will be able to participate in the activities and know that, even if they are not present, their loved one is living an important experience.
The educational, sporting, therapeutic and socialisation activities proposed form part of our method and are supervised by the psychomotor therapist, the neurologist and the clinical psychotherapist who coordinate the whole transdisciplinary team of professionals at the Association.
The activities, which will be completed by the end of November 2024, are:
- Psychomotricity
- Dancing
- Theatre
- Meditation and sound bath.
- Art therapy (creative-cognitive stimulation, therapeutic photography, water art therapy)
- Adapted boxing
- Adapted surfing
- Ocean’s Emotion
All activities are personalised, adapted and inclusive. They will be carried out in small groups in different municipalities of Fuerteventura, in suitable spaces (activity room, art studio, nature classroom, boat,…) and/or in natural settings (beach, volcanoes, parks,…).
Registration is compulsory and an interview with the psychomotor therapist is foreseen, in order to personalise the activities as much as possible.
These activities are supported by the Caixa Bank Foundation.