The Wizard of the Galleries and his Wife!

“This is the story of one of us,” he sang Adriano Celentano..
And it is beautiful to share the stories of people who are telling themselves in their extraordinary exustriousness. Silvio, 74 years old-retired entrepreneur engineer, but still consultant, and his wife Tiziana, 65, employed and then full-time mom, they are able to concentrate in a few lines, their passion for life, for the family, for the job.
They are two solar people. Silvio, thanks to his skill and his commitment to work led the light of his own solansters even in the dark galleries that are dug into the mountains to open new roads, allowing the work of the people who realize much more secure. The greatest safety in the excavation work of the galleries has certainly led greater serenity and light even in the families of these people. Yeah, because Silvio loves his work and loves his family, created together with his wife Tiziana, an equally solar and in love with life. We let them tell us their story.
Silvio, attracted by the planning of machinery that would improve human work, one of the first graduates in Milan at the Polytechnic in hydraulic plants in 71, was threw soul and body in the work of automatic bottling systems.
“Luck would have it that a client of the company for which I worked, asked to study the automation of drilling in quarries or tunnels and tunnels.
In those years, automation was in its infancy and the excavation of tunnels paid the price in accidents and human lives that made the job dangerous.
I was contacted by a German company to collaborate on the evolution of mechanized excavation machines.

Fascinated, at the age of 30 I created my own company.
The first opportunity in Italy was in Rome for the Aurelia gallery, an IMPOSSIBLE gallery to be built with traditional means. It was a success. And since then, the long ride to create Moles, machines that have made the work of miners safer, for all types of terrain, even under water tables, was my winning bet.
Even today, despite my age and recently retired, I work as a consultant.
I passed the baton to my son and I hold university seminars.
I am kindly called the Wizard of Galleries, a nickname coined by the journalist Giannino della Frattina. “
“I, Tiziana, employed, last years part-time, at 39 years I decided to dedicate myself totally to the difficult, but wonderful mum’s job. Never regretted the choice made.
Our children, having given them the wings, took the flight. Graduates in Bocconi, one in Finance, one in Management, after various masters, each are realizing in their field. One lives in America, the other after a few years over ocean, he returned to Italy. Married, they are magnifying families with extreme happiness of us grandparents.
Because or fortunately, having a husband in contact with several entrepreneurs, professors etc. I had reflected even the way to meet forward and brilliant minds and the opportunity to visit places sometimes even ameni.
I am often proud of my Genius of Moles, but certainly a great person and with a big personality sometimes it is also difficult, most from when he got sick of Parkinson, his friend park as he calls him, he accentuated some of his peculiarities that sometimes I am quite difficult.
We were lucky enough to travel so much, visiting many many places, even if there are still many, too many that we have not seen and that by age, altitude, I imagine it will no longer be possible to visit. See for example Peru, Machu Picchu.
Although Silvio has traveled a lot for work and is a bit tired of planes, hotels and restaurants, we continue our wandering, even to visit his distant son, grandchildren and friends.

I find it is wonderful uses, costumes, various populations, and treasure it is always to learn. I would travel continuously, but life also puts you in front of different priorities.
Thanks to my husband’s engineering mania to examine all the slightest changes even on himself and look for a logical reason for the onset, back in 2010 he made a hypothesis of Parkinson’s, not evident, due to internal symptoms such as internal tremor and cursive handwriting that dwindled.
Hypothesis that was confirmed in 2011.
Fortunately the course is very slow, you want the right drugs, you want your willpower in not let yourself go, you want luck, you want the proximity of familitious that does not make it weigh everything by treating him as a very healthy person. And we live with Parky.
Of course not every day and the nights are the same. The slowdown of the movement is there, the age that advances also accompanied by the insorge of other pathologies, but one lives on the day in the best way.”
Thanks Silvio and Tiziana for what you agreed to share!