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The Atelier of the FuerteVida Parkinson No Limits association has the fundamental objective of bringing out in people the need to know each other and take care of themselves in order to live their life fully and in harmony. This ensures that the person can live in health.
Daily life in cities, the stressful rhythms of the modern world, emotional conflicts, bonds, air and food pollution, are causing a worrying increase in the onset of some psychosomatic, psychic, neurodegenerative pathologies such as, for example Parkinson's, and many others.

The book Ending Parkinson's Disease, for example, reports countless studies conducted worldwide with case data that have alarmed many neurologists. "Between 1990 and 2015, the number of people with Parkinson's doubled to over 6 million and is expected to double again by 2040.

The causes are shocking and the remedies are woefully outdated and ineffective. Time to act."

The concrete experience in the field of chronic neurodegenerative diseases gained by the FuerteVida Parkinson No Limits association and its consultants, the daily confrontation with those who experience this problem and their families, led to the birth of the Atelier.

Educating people about Life in self-respect to prevent the onset of chronic neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's for example, is undoubtedly a priority!

Who is it for?

The Atelier is open to all those who wish to undertake a path of self-knowledge, awareness, personal growth and self-realization.

In fact, the heart of the Atelier is the person himself with his priceless health potential.

The Atelier is proposed as a holistic educational (from ex-ducere: to bring out, to bring to light) and practical (der. Of prássō: I do, I act) fulcrum in which to rediscover yourself in the here and now, give new life, transmute , confront, get involved, live your life fully, expressing your potential, choosing to take responsibility for your daily, emotional, social, working life, supporting and improving your health with listening practices, self-knowledge and styles of natural and healthy life, promoting inner growth and promoting awareness.

Furthermore, some of the Atelier's proposals are aimed at:

  • Students
  • Wellness, fitness, rehabilitation and health professionals
  • Teachers
  • Educators
  • Parents
  • Couples


The courses are personalized and consist of both theoretical and practical aspects.

They take place individually and / or in groups, both online and in person.

Retreats and themed stays are organized all year round in Fuerteventura, the Canary Island, in total harmony and synergy with the local nature, recognized worldwide as a Biosphere Reserve.

Through its courses, the Atelier proposes a personal, expressive, introspective and preventive work.


  • Supports the dissemination and learning of effective tools for transformation and inner growth
  • It provides theoretical information and practical tools to realize the inner potential of the individual
  • Supports and improves interpersonal skills
  • It promotes the ability to communicate freely in full awareness of oneself, of reality and of the surrounding environment
  • Promotes awareness, change, self-realization as a preventive tool from emotional blocks, anxieties, tensions, dissatisfactions, psychosomatic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, ... actively and concretely operating an evolution of society by supporting the global well-being of people and our planet.

The teachers

The teaching team is made up of different professionals who share the holistic vision and approach.

Furthermore, the teachers are part of the team of the association itself, guaranteeing the strong preventive value of the atelier itself.


The best professionals at your disposal.